Telling Our Story

This year’s theme at the International Women’s Day was Telling Our Story. In the event we heard stories of women in the Berlin tech industry, learned about women in STEM and took a step in making our own story.

To celebrate such special day, we would like to hear all the voices from our Women Techmakers members in Berlin. And we would like to ask you to write a blog post telling your story.

To create a new post, you’ll have to follow this instructions.

  • Go to our GitHub project:
  • Create a “Fork” on your account
  • Navigate to the _posts folder (on GitHub)
  • Click on Create new file
  • Name your file YYYY-MM-DD-your-name-story.markdown, for example 2017-03-10-Anna-story.markdown
  • Paste the following template:
layout: post
title: Your Name's Story
date:   2017-03-10 20:02:45 +0100
categories: story

## I got in tech because...

Your answer

## I came to Berlin for...

Your answer

## I'm currently hacking on...

Your answer

## I'm excited about...

Your answer

## My advice for other women in tech is...

Your answer
  • Write your story :-)
  • When done, click on Commit new file
  • Click on Pull Request and Create pull request

We will take care of the rest and once we merge your pull request your post will be published.